About the Journal

The Journal of Ciencias Agroalimentarias y Biotecnológicas (RCAB for its Spanish acronym) is a multidisciplinary journal published quarterly by the Faculty of Agronomy of the UANL, dedicated to the dissemination of science, technology and knowledge in the fields of agriculture, animal husbandry, biosystems or biotechnological sciences and the food industry.


Objective and scope

The RCAB is a journal with the aim of disseminating agricultural, zootechnical, biological and biotechnological studies and the food industry in a clear, educational and accessible language, aimed at the general public, especially high school and university students. The articles should be limited to the development of a topic, without pretending to cover exhaustively all general knowledge in the field. The topics should be approached in a way that could be of interest to young people, with popular treatment rather than a school text. 

All entries will be evaluated by specialists in the field. The journal is published four editions per year in digital format through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform.

Sections of content

Agricultural sciences:

  • Precision agriculture
  • Sustainable agriculture
  • Agroecology and agroforestry systems.
  • Agricultural economy
  • Plant physiology
  • Phytopathology
  • Plant breeding
  • Soil and plant nutrition
  • Agricultural technology and machinery

Animal science

  • Animal nutrition
  • Animal breeding
  • Animal welfare
  • Farm animal production and management
  • Meat and dairy technology
  • Animal Health

Food sciencies

  • Food processing technology
  • Food safety
  • Food ingredients
  • Nutritional value of food
  • Food product development


  • Ecology of natural and disturbed ecosystems
  • Climate change and its effects on biological systems
  • Biology and conservation of biodiversity
  • Conservation biology and ecosystem restoration
  • Natural resource management and sustainable landscape management
  • Population and community biology and ecology
  • Ecotoxicology and environmental biomarkers
  • Microbial ecology and its role in ecosystem biogeochemistry