Objective and scope

The Journal of Agrifood and Biotechnology Sciences (RCAB) is a publication dedicated to the dissemination agricultural sciences, animal husbandry, biosystems, biotechnology and the food industry. Its main objective is to provide clear, didactic and accessible information to the general public, with special focus on high school and university students.

The journal attempts to develop specific themes in each article, without pretending to cover all the knowledge in the field. It is important that the topics are of interest to young people and are presented in an attractive and entertaining way, without using complex academic language.

To graduate the quality of the articles, they are all evaluated by experts in the field. The journal is published four times a year in digital format through Open Journal Systems (OJS).

In addition, the journal invites the scientific community to submit their contributions, including original articles, reviews and short communications. The journal also accepts popular science articles written by experts in the field for its popular science sections.

The journal is committed to maintaining high standards of ethics and scientific rigor in all its publications. It also promotes transparency in the disclosure of all sources of founding and maintains a rigorous and transparent peer review policy to ensure the quality of published work.