Antiplagiarism policy

In our journal, we consider transparency and quality to be fundamental values in editorial management. Our code of ethics, which will be in force from September 2023, establishes the guidelines to be followed by all actors’ involved in the publication process of the journal. These include honestly in the presentation of research results, transparency in the review process, anonymous reviewing of articles, protection of copyright, and respect for the journal’s internal rules and review procedures.

We are committed to ensuring the integrity of the knowledge published in our journal and to adhering to internationally accepted quality parameters. To this end, we have a highly trained editorial team who are available to answer any questions or queries regarding the code of ethics and good practice in editorial management.

The antiplagiarism policy of the Journal of Agrifood Science and Biotechnology should include the following:

  1. All articles submitted to the journals must be original and must not have been previously published or be under review by another journal.
  2. Authors must ensure that all data and text used in the article are their own authorship or are properly cited and referenced.
  3. The journal will use the Ithenticate antiplagiarism software to detect any possible plagiarism in the articles received.
  4. If plagiarism is detected in an article, authors will be informed and given the opportunity to correct the problem or retract the article.
  5. If it is determined that the plagiarisms serious, the article will be rejected and steps will be taken to inform the author’s home institution.
  6. All peer reviewers will be informed of the journal’s Antiplagiarism policy and asked to report any suspected plagiarism they encounter during their review of the article.
  7. The journal reserves the right to take legal action in serious cases of plagiarism.


In summary, the journal’s Antiplagiarism policy should be clear and emphasize the importance of originality and academic integrity in the publication of articles. The use of tools such as the Ithenticate Antiplagiarism software can help to ensure that published articles are original and respect copyright.