Agricultural sciences:
6 Items
- The articles must present the following structure:
- Title: Short and very attractive, without technicalities (not tittles of scientific articles).
- Entry: The first paragraph is key, as it is the one that catches the reader’s attention. It suggested to organize the information from to organize the information from the most important by answering the questions: what, who, how, when and where?
- Body or development: The main ideas are explained or detailed:
- It is advisable to divide the text into subheadings (categories or groupings can help organize the content of an article).
- Use examples (To illustrate a theory or concept).
- Use of analogies or comparisons (these help to make an abstract concept more accessible and understandable to the reader).
- Concluding paragraph: It should summarize the story provide and emotional conclusion and leave the reader wanting to know more about the topic.
- The maximum number of authors is five.
- The article o report should be between 7 and 9 pages (approx. 2’200-2,500 words), typed in Times New Roman 12 point, 1.5 pt, justified. It should be sent in Word .doc format to the email address of the Journal of Agrifood and Biotechnology Sciences.
- Graphic material includes figures, drawings, photographs, digital images and tables, which should be sent as individual files in .jpg or .png format with a minimum resolution of 1800 X 1800 dots (this is a resolution of 300 DPI and 15 cm on the smallest side of the image). Graphic materials should include copyright, permissions for use or credit, and be in an editable format.
- All graphic materials should have a caption that explains the material and links to the text.
- The article must include the author´s ORCID identifier code and the institution and department where the author works.
- References should be in APA format and should not exceed ten.